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William Robertson

A View of the Progress of Society in Europe from the Subversion of the Roman Empire to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century (1769)

Editorial note

Note editoriali

Home | Editorial note | Preface | Section I | Par. i-ii | Par. iii-v | Par vi-x | Section II
Section III (pp. 106-119)
| Section III (pp. 120-139) | Section III (pp. 141-166)
Proofs & Illustrations

For the present edition we have followed the text contained in The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V [...] With an Account of the Emperor’s Life after his Abdication by William H. Prescott, London, George Routledge & Co., 1857, 2 voll., vol. I, pp. vii-x, 1-166, 511-612. Original pagination is indicated in bold brackets. Summaries of paragraphs titles at the top of each sections replace in this edition the titles that in the first edition are given in the margin of the page. The titles collected in these summaries in the 1857 edition do not completely correspond to the original ones, part of which are omitted.

Different note captions have been used. Original Robertson’s footnotes are indicated by Arabic progressive numerals in parentheses; footnotes referring to the separate set of notes collected as «Proofs and Illustrations» are indicated by bold Latin capitals in brackets, according to the same particular alphabetical sequence originally used by William Robertson in the first, 1769 edition of The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V (London, W. Strahan, T. Cadell and J. Balfour).

Html edition by Guido Abbattista for Eliohs (june 1998).

Home | Editorial note | Preface | Section I | Par. i-ii | Par. iii-v | Par vi-x | Section II
Section III (pp. 106-119)
| Section III (pp. 120-139) | Section III (pp. 141-166)
Proofs & Illustrations
