Eliohs: Electronic Library of Historiography
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XVI secolo

XVII secolo

XVIII secolo

XIX secolo

XX secolo

Catalogo per Autori

16th Century

17th Century

18th Century

19th Century

20th Century

Catalogue by Authors

Catalogo per Autori / Catalogue by Authors:

William Robertson 

Robertson, William
A View of the Progress of Society in Europe from the Subversion of the Roman Empire to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century

Robertson, William
Storia dell'America, Palermo, Tipografia di Federico Garofalo, 1844 (ristampa della tr. it. di Palermo, Garofalo, 1836; tr. it. di The History of America, by William Robertson, D.D. Principal of the University of Edinburgh, London, printed for W. Strahan; T. Cadell in the Strand; and J. Balfour, at Edinburgh, 1777, 2 vols.) (in preparazione)


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